Niveau juridique : Union européenne
La Commission européenne réunit au sein de ce comité les représentants des Etats membres. C’est un espace de discussion pour l’application des réglementations existantes avec processus de comitologie, pour les actes d’exécution notamment.
Lors de cette réunion, on notera plus particulièrement le point suivant :
A.09 Exchange of views on the list of RNQPs that needr e-evaluation.
« The Commission presented a list of RNQPs intended for re-evaluation, with the proposals/comments from the Member States highlighted.
Discussions were held on the list of the pests and the approach to consolidate the list. It was concluded that all the pests from the Fruit Marketing Directive and the pests proposed by the MemberStates/Sector, which were not previously evaluated by EPPO, will be included in the list. The Commission invited the Member States to send final suggestions of pests to be included in the list in written by 23 September 2022. After this date, the list shall be consolidated, circulated to the Member States and consultations with EPPO shall be initiated. »
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