Niveau juridique : International
Le sujet de la biologie de synthèse est notamment discuté au sein de la Convention sur la diversité biologique ( au delà du seul protocole de Carthagène).
Le groupe d’experts a été renouvelé dans son mandat lors de la dernière COP ( Conférence des Parties) qui a eu lieu en novembre 2018 ( voir fiche dédiée).
Extraits choisis du CR de la réunion du 4 au 7 juin 2019 :
les participants à cette réunion :
« 7.Experts nominated by Australia,Austria,Belarus, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador,Germany, Madagascar, Malaysia, Namibia, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republicand Viet Namattended the meeting. The expertsfrom the Philippines, Mexicoand Sudan, who had been selected and invited, wereunable to attend the meeting. An expert from the United States of America (a non-Party to the Convention) also attended the meeting.8.Two experts nominated by the following organizations representing indigenous peoples and local communities participated inthe meeting: La Red de Mujeres Indígenassobre Biodiversidad de AméricaLatina y el Caribeand Ole SiosiomagaSociety Inc.9.Experts nominated bythe following organizations also participated in the meeting:ETC Group, EuropaBio, Federation of German Scientists, GenØk, International Union for Conservation of Nature, J.Craig Venter Institute,North Carolina State University, Third World Network and World Health Organization »
les sujets abordés :
« 3.1. New technological developments in synthetic biology;
3.2. Synthetic biology applications that are in early stages of research and development, vis-à-vis the three objectives of the Convention;
3.3. Synthetic biology organisms that may fall outside the definition of living modified organisms as per the Cartagena Protocol;
3.4. The state of knowledge on the potential environmental impacts of applications of synthetic biology, including those applications that involve organisms containing engineered gene drives;
3.5. Options for regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessing of developments;
3.6. Relationship between synthetic biology and the criteria set out in decision IX/29, paragraph 12. »
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