Commission Européenne - compte-rendu du 11-12 octobre comité permanent santé des plantes

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

Extrait choisi

  • Point A.11

« Structure of a draft Implementing Regulation (‘Phytosanitary Conditions Regulation’), including the lists of quarantine pests, RNQPs, regulated commodities and import and movement requirements. The Commission presented the draft of the Implementing Regulation (‘Phytosanitary Conditions Regulation’), pointing out its structure. The Commission explained that this is an initial draft, including only the 10 Annexes listing the pests and commodities and that the remaining 3 Annexes on the measures will be discussed at a later stage in November. The Commission briefly discussed the content of the lists of pests, gathering the first comments from the Member States. It also informed the Committee of the timeline for the development of the draft."--> A noter ce point sera à nouveau discuter lors du comité du 10-11 décembre 2018.

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