TIRPAA : Stratégie de financement

Niveau juridique : International

Le Comité consultatif Ad Hoc sur la Stratégie de financement s’est réuni deux fois en 2017. Ce comité a également rendu un rapport et fait des recommandations en vue de la Septième réunion de l’Organe directeur qui s’est tenu en novembre. Une résolution a été prise sur le sujet.

I) Résolution prise lors de la réunion de la 7ème réunion de l’Organe directeur à Kigali (11-2017)

  • Extraits choisis de la résolution 3-2017

«  7. Decides to reconvene the Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization (Ad Hoc Committee), with a revised mandate »


«  10. Invites the Global Crop Diversity Trust, as an observer, to provide advice to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee; »


« 13. Invites relevant international mechanisms, funds and bodies, stakeholder groups and other international organizations to provide information to the Secretary that will enable the Ad Hoc Committee to better leverage funding for Treaty implementation and the delivery of non-monetary benefit-sharing;

14. Invites Contracting Parties, the private sector and other donors to continue making and expand contributions to the funding tools under the Funding Strategy, in particular those under the direct control of the Governing Body;


« 18. Decides that, regarding the level of national economic development, the eligibility criteria for the use of funds under the direct control of the Governing Body will include only criteria established in the International Treaty. »


« 21. Recommends that future summary reports on the impact of projects supported by the Benefit-sharing Fund provides concrete references to the genetic diversity of the crops species worked with, so that it captures how the conservation status and utilization of plant genetic diversity was enhanced, as well as the complementarity between the on-farm sector and the ex situ conservation as the guiding principle for the reporting; »


«   23. Welcomes the financial contributions to the Benefit-sharing Fund made by Australia, Austria, Italy, Norway, and Sweden during the 2016-2017 biennium in support of the fourth round of the Benefit-sharing Fund’s project cycle;

24.Welcomes the financial contributions made by the International Seed Federation and the European Seed Association, as well as the French seed sector, in support of the fourth round of the Benefit-sharing Fund’s project cycle, which represent the first user-based voluntary contributions to the Fund, and appeals to others in the private sector, especially the seed and the food processing industries, to make further contributions;

25. Welcomes the financial contributions of Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain and Switzerland to the Fund for Agreed Purposes of the International Treaty and other funds under the direct control of the Governing Body;".

II ) Réunions 2017 du Comité consultatif Ad Hoc sur la Stratégie de financement

La neuvième réunion du Comité a eu lieu du 20 au 22/06/2017. Le compte-rendu de cette réunion n’est pas encore disponible. Quelques éléments préparatoire sont présentés (uniquement en anglais) : www.fao.org/plant-treaty/meetings/meetings-detail/fr/c/884190/

La huitième réunion du Comité du 20 au 21/03/2017. Le compte-rendu est disponible unqiuement en anglais : www.fao.org/plant-treaty/meetings/meetings-detail/fr/c/451741/

  • Extraits choisis de ce CR :

« 9. The Committee noted that Article 18.5 of the Treaty relates to priorities of the Funding Strategy as a whole. It also emphasized the important role of farmers, who are the primary beneficiaries of the Funding Strategy, in accordance with the Treaty.

10. The Funding Strategy should take into account global trends and realities of the donor environment. The Committee agreed to further review this issue at its ninth meeting, including by considering experiences gained in relation to the Special Fund for Agreed Purposes.

11. With regard to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Committee considered that the Sustainable Development Goals provided an opportunity to enhance the political profile of the Treaty and its areas of work that may increase funding opportunities. It stressed the need for the Governing Body to further reinforce interlinkages with Targets 2.5 and 15.6, increase communication and awareness-raising, explore possible linkages with development issues such as climate change, agricultural development, environment and biodiversity, public health and nutrition, and identify funding opportunities connections arising from these. The Committee pointed to the need to address such interlinkages especially at national level, as the responsibility to implement the Sustainable Development Goals rests with governments. There is potential to improve funding opportunities for Treaty implementation if national focal points and other Treaty stakeholders are able to make the case to national decision-makers and development agencies for the importance of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture as well as the interlinkages with these other development issues.  »


14. The Committee decided to explore, at its ninth meeting, the possibility of proposing funding targets for both the Funding Strategy as a whole and for the Benefit-sharing Fund. It decided to have a further discussion, at its next meeting, on the conceptual difference between these two targets. The Committee acknowledged that in order to meet the target for the Benefitsharing Fund, both user-based income and contributions from Contracting Parties would be necessary. As directed by Resolution 2/2015, it decided to further consider at its next meeting, the link between user-based payments and exploration of a proposal to develop a mechanism of contributions by Contracting Parties in accordance with Article 18.4 of the Treaty.


25. The Committee stressed that the main beneficiaries of the programmatic approach will be farmers. All projects should therefore demonstrate the benefits arising for farmers, with a special emphasis on support to on-farm/in situ management and farmer to farmer exchanges of PGRFA. Strategic planning to be undertaken under thematic area one should have a focus on facilitating national planning and raising the profile of PGRFA in national development plans. In addition, funding should enable Contracting Parties to improve the effective implementation of the Multilateral System, through the inclusion of additional materials and other measures. Funding provided through the Benefit-sharing Fund should catalyse mobilization of additional resources not under the direct control of the Governing Body, for example by supporting project proposal development.


26. The Committee emphasized the importance for the Governing Body to improve implementation of the Funding Strategy by having a greater focus on resources other than those provided by the Benefit-sharing Fund. It therefore decided to develop a range of measures to address cooperation with other international mechanisms as well as improve reporting on national and bilateral and multilateral funding for activities relevant to Treaty implementation. The next phase of the implementation of the Funding Strategy should also aim at strengthening linkages between different funding sources and partners, by pursuing co-spending opportunities and identifying the appropriate channels to make such linkages. The Funding Strategy should also aim to foster the implementation of other parts of the International Treaty. The role of non-monetary benefit-sharing in the overall Funding Strategy needs to be addressed.

27. The Governing Body had invited the Global Crop Diversity Trust to support the work of the Committee during the biennium. Hannes Dempewolf from the Trust provided an overview of recent activities and funds mobilized. He introduced the Trust’s Strategic Results Framework and acknowledged the importance of diversification of funding sources including through innovative approaches. The Committee thanked him for the information provided and looked forward to the involvement of the Trust in the ninth meeting of the Committee.

28. The Bureau of the Seventh Session of the Governing Body recently concluded Elements of Advice for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in relation to the International Treaty. The Committee recognized that GEF can be an important mechanism to support Treaty implementation. It noted that most GEF funding is allocated at a national level. Measures should be developed to enable better linkages between Treaty stakeholders, including national focal points, and GEF operational focal points at national level to leverage different funding streams related to GEF, including for developing sub-regional initiatives.

29. The Committee advised to strengthen networks of current and potential donors to the Benefit-sharing Fund and the Funding Strategy in order to support Treaty implementation, especially at national level. The idea of developing a contributors platform and potential joint awareness raising initiatives should be further explored in the context of the Funding Strategy review. »