Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Texte de la question :
« The development of specialised farming methods tailored to market requirements has left little room for the cultivation of certain high-quality traditional varieties that are of fundamental importance in terms of biodiversity. It is therefore essential to preserve the genetic resources of native varieties that could in future play a major part in the activities of small or micro family farms.
While value distribution within the agri-food chain facilitates this development, it also places primary producers at a disadvantage.
At the same time, there is a growing demand for typical and genuine products that are closely associated with certain locations distinguished by the quality of their raw materials, their processing methods and the experience of their workers.
In view of this, can the Commission say whether it is planning to introduce firmer criteria and step up support measures for Member States in order to encourage the cultivation of traditional crop varieties for the benefit of small farms as part of its farm-to-fork strategy ? »
Réponse de Mr Wojciechowski au nom de la Commission européenne, le 25 avril 2023 :
« In the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) the bulk of support to farmers — income support, is disconnected from the cultivation of specific crops.
This allows farmers to make their production decisions adapting to the consumer demand and to exploit the increasing demand for quality or regional products.
As part of the latest CAP reform, support can be further targeted, allowing stronger support to the type of practices described by the Honourable Members.
For instance, Member States may provide coupled income support to specific types of farming to address the difficulties encountered.
Small farms will benefit from increased support in most Member States through e.g. the redistributive income support. Support is also foreseen for investments and research in the fruit and vegetables, hops, olive oil and table olives sectors and in the wine sector sectoral interventions for improving genetic resources/diversity.
Finally, through rural development, environmental commitments are available to support the sustainable use and development of genetic resources.
The ongoing revision of the legislation on plant reproductive material will, upon adoption of the new legislation, also facilitate the market access of traditional and locally adapted varieties, in line with the respective commitments under the Farm to Fork Strategy and with the objective to support the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources.
In light of the multiple opportunities that Member States have for support and changes in rules, the Commission is not planning to introduce firmer criteria or additional support schemes for traditional crop varieties or small farms. »
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