[REPONSE] Parlement européen, question écrite au Conseil E-003818/2022, du 23 novembre 2022 de Sarah Wiener (Verts/ALE) – Présence de l’association d’agriculteurs COPA-COGECA aux réunions du Conseil agriculture et pêche (AGRIFISH)

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

Texte de la question :

« AGRIFISH legislates in areas related to food production, rural development and fisheries management. For political decision-making processes and at the AGRIFISH meetings of the European Council, it is therefore important to receive insights and reports from the agricultural sector in order to have an accurate picture of the current challenges and to be able to target political discussions. Inviting COPA-COGECA to be the sole presenter before these meetings does not represent the diverse farming and fishing industry and the various farmer organisations and interest groups in the EU. The assessments of small farmers, organic associations and environmental stakeholders should also be heard. Against the backdrop of the multiple challenges and the systemic crises that our complex agricultural and food system is facing, a broad perspective is needed to find solutions.

1.How does the Council justify the dominant participation of COPA-COGECA at the AGRIFISH meetings?

2.Does the Council believe that representatives from the agriculture sector should continue to give speeches before AGRIFISH meetings?

3.What is the Council’s position on allowing other agricultural and environmental groups to speak and on broadening the range of speakers before meetings? »


« Only representatives of EU Member States and the European Commission take part in meetings of the AGRIFISH Council.

The Presidency organises, under its own responsibility, informal contacts with representatives of farmers and other interest groups. »

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Nota : La COPA-COGECA est la réunion d’organisations syndicales et professionnelles agricoles au niveau européen, dont, pour la France, la FNSEA, la Confédération nationale de la mutualité, de la coopération et du crédit agricoles (CNMCCA) ainsi que l’Assemblée permanente des Chambres d’agriculture (APCA). Depuis 2020, la COPA est présidée par Christiane Lambert, présidente de la FNSEA. La COGECA est présidé par Ramon Armengol de la cooperativas agro-alimentarias depuis 2019.