Niveau juridique : Union européenne
On notera les points suivants :
« A.02 Exchange of views on a Commission working document on temporary rules for organic varieties.
The Commission presented the two draft documents for agriculture and vegetable species and clarified some general remarks and questionsr aised by several Member States during the written consultation. After the discussion with the Member States the Commission informed that it will prepare a new draft for discussion in an expert group meeting withthe Member States and their experts for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability(DUS).(…)
A.04 Presentation on Plant Health legislation in relation to derogations to use of plant passport.
The Commission presented the Plant Health legislation and clarified the questions andcomments that had been raised by several Member States and stakeholders. As regards the import and internal movements of plant material used for official testing, scientific or educational purposes, trials, varietal selection or breeding, there is a derogation from the standard phytosanitary requirements foreseen in Article 48 of Regulation(EU)2016/2031 and Delegated Regulation(EU)2019/829 provides for conditions on derogation to introduction and move within the EU territory. Providing that the conditions laid down in the Regulation are fulfilled,plant passport or phytosanitary certificate are not required for each movement or introduction into the EU,but a Letter of Authority for single or multiple use shall be issued. This implies that thematerial will need to be further handled in a quarantine station or a spervised confinement facility. This condition can eventually apply to gene- orseedbanks.
Concerning import or internal movements of plant material(e.g.originating in gene-orseedbanks) destinedf orvarietal testing in open field,the Letter of Authority cannot be used. In this case the standard phytosanitary certificate or plant passport is required.(…)
A.06 Update on the revision of the legislation on plant reproductive material.
The Commission gave an overview about the feedback received during the public consultation on the inception impact assessment and the next steps to revise the legislation on plant reproductive material. Some Member States asked for clarification and confirmed their willingness to contribute to the revision of the plant reproductive material legislation. An open public consultation has been scheduled from end-November 2021 until end-February 2022. The external contractor will organise targeted surveys and orali nterviews with competent authorities and several stakeholder groups, two focus groups on the scope of the plant and forest reproductive legislation and a case study on the exchange in kind of plant reproductive materia landservices by farmers in France.
These activities aim to support the Commission with the collection of data and supporting information for the revision of the legislation. The Commission took note of the comments raised and stated that the website will be updated on a regular basis to ensure transparency about the consultation activities and that the Member States will be involved throughout the entire process and be informed whenever appropriate. »
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