[REPONSE] Parlement européen, question E-000689/2021 avec demande de réponse écrite à la Commission de Jadwiga Wiśniewska (ECR) du 3 février 2021 - Stratégie De la ferme à la fourchette, étude d’impact et consultation publique (Réponse publiée le 07/04/2021)

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

Texte de la question :

« The ‘From Farm to Fork’ strategy is one part of the broader European Green Deal, which aims to move the Union’s economies towards having a sustainable food system.

In this context I would like to ask the following:

1. When elaborating the ‘From Farm to Fork’ strategy, did the Commission carry out a thorough assessment of the impact of the proposed regulations on the individual Member States’ economies?

2. In the early stages of elaborating the strategy, did the Commission carry out a consultation in order to establish realistic reduction targets for individual Member States’ economies?

3. Is reducing the use of pesticides by 50% an EU-wide target or is it a target for each Member State individually? »

Réponse de Ms Kyriakides au nom de la Commission :

« The Farm to Fork Strategy was not preceded by an impact assessment as it was adopted in the form of a Commission Communication. The quantitative targets contained in the strategy, including the one on reduction of overall risk and use of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030, are EU wide targets reflecting a political commitment. Detailed impact assessments, including public consultations, will be performed in line with the ʽBetter Regulationʼ guidelines for any legislative initiative under the Farm to Fork Strategy, including those aiming at making any of the quantitative targets legally binding. These impact assessments will include an analysis of the potential consequences of each relevant legislative initiative. »

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