Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Texte de la question :
« Research groups have recently managed to develop organisms with gene drives in a laboratory. EU law already regulates organisms that have been genetically modified through the introduction of genes that are not present in the genome of the host organism.
Can the Commission confirm that gene drive organisms are regulated under Directive 2001/18/EC and that their release into the environment is subject to prior authorisation?
Is there any evidence to support the concern that gene drive organisms can be released into the environment without permission?
Is the Commission aware of any plans to release gene drive organisms in the EU over the next few years? »
Réponse donnée Ms Kyriakideson au nom de la Commission européenne (6.4.2020)
« 1.In the EU, all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) released into the environment need to be authorised according to Directive 2001/18/EC and have to undergo a thorough assessment of all identified risks in accordance with the abovementioned Directive and European Food Safety Authority guidance. This obligation is equally applicable to the release of GMOs engineered with gene drives.
2.The Commission is not aware of any evidence supporting the concern that GMOs engineered with gene drives can be released into the environment without permission. The Member States are responsible for the implementation and proper enforcement of the EU legislation, including controls aimed at verifying that no unauthorised GMO is released into the environment. In the event of an unauthorised release, Directive 2001/18/EC obliges Member States to take all necessary measures to terminate the release, initiate remedial action if needed, and inform the public, the Commission and the other Member States.
3.To date, no application for authorisation of deliberate releases of GMOs engineered with gene drives has been made in the EU. »
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