UE : Com UE, DG SANCO, SUMMARY REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PLANTS, ANIMALS, FOOD AND FEED, Bruxelles 01-12-2017 (Section Seeds and Propagating Material for Agriculture and Horticulture), sante.ddg2.g.5(2017)6938885

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

Compte rendu de la réunion de la section semences et matériel de reproduction pour l’agriculture et l’horticulture du comité permanent sur les végétaux, la nourriture, les animaux et les aliments pour animaux de la commission européenne

Extraits choisis :

 »A.02 Presentation of a working document on an approach to seed fraud.

The Commission gave a presentation on the organisation and processes (contact list, requesting form) for the voluntary network to exchange information and requests among the Member States in relation to suspicion of fraud in seed and other plant reproductive material.

The Member States welcome the approach. It was clarified that the possible fraud shall concern the infringement of the Directives on marketing plant reproductive material and not e.g. plant variety rights legislation, for which enforcement is private law. Written comments on the requesting form with drop down lists should be sent by 31 December 2017

A.03 Update on the Commission/CPVO project on a unique EU IT System on plant varieties.

The project intends to develop an IT system whereby a unique contribution may be used to submit national data to the Common Catalogues and CPVO’s Variety Finder. CPVO reported on the outcome of a Working Group comprising Member State experts, stakeholders, Commission and CPVO staff and the results of a consultation on the content and functionalities of this unique EU IT system on plant varieties. The next Working Group meeting will take place in the beginning of 2018.

A.04 Presentation of a working document on the update on the use of common names in the Directives 2002/55/EC and 2008/72/EC

The Commission presented a working document containing a proposal on how to clarify the scope of varieties falling under the two Directives and suggestions to delete and add several species. The proposal uses the category ‘Group’ from the International Code of Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants to define the range of varieties covered by the two Directives.

An exchange took place in particular on criteria for listing species, such as number of varieties for proposed new or deleted species, changes in scope and the need to consult concerned stakeholders. The Commission requested the Member States to consult with scientific experts and stakeholders and to reply by 19 January 2018. Member States furthermore emphasised that objective criteria should support decisions to add or delete species from the Directives


A.08 Presentation of the Commission notice to breeders and suppliers subject to the Union legislation on the marketing of seeds and other propagating material in the framework of Brexit.

The Commission presented the notice and an exchange took place. Some Member States have received requests on variety registration for varieties which will be deleted from the Common Catalogues as they had been notified by United Kingdom alone. The ongoing examinations in United Kingdom which might not be finished by the withdrawal date, were raised as some Member States have bilateral agreements with United Kingdom. The Commission will look into the rules on marketing remaining stocks of seed when the variety is deleted from the Common Catalogues.

M.01 Delegates requested information on the state of play of the proposal on Organic Regulation and the impact on the seed sector. The Commission replied that the proposal still has to be adopted by Council and Parliament and that the final version of the draft proposal contains the empowerment to adopt a delegated act on heterogeneous material and a commitment to develop a temporary experiment on appropriate testing requirements for the registration of varieties suitable for organic production.

M.02 A delegate enquired about the impact of the EPPO study on Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests (RNQP) on the legislation on marketing plant reproductive material. An exchange took place, in particular on plant passport and official label, registration of operators, RNQP listing and certification requirements and consultations. The Commission explained that the plant passport is obligatory for all plants for planting except for seeds without RNQP requirement and that recently the options for the format of the plant passport were agreed. It also informed that a joint Commission working group for both plant reproductive material and plant health experts will be organised in the new year to discuss the listing of RNQP and the certification measures. Any questions in relation to the new plant health legislation and its implications should be sent by 31 December 2017. For a better exchange of information the Commission will see that the different CircaBC groups can be made available for both the plant reproductive and plant health experts.

M.03 One delegate suggested to ask information from the Member States about the level of fees for registration of conservation varieties. The Member States indicated a range of 0-500 euros whereby in a number of Member States this activity is free of charge.

M.04 A delegate enquired about its earlier request to amend the quantitative restrictions for seed of the so called not-yet listed varieties maize as to allow larger scale tests and trials. The presentation of the request is postponed to the next meeting. »

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