Question E-007267-16 de Maria Heubuch (Verts/ALE) - Accès par les USA à des information sur l’avis de la Commission Européenne concernant les nouvelles techniques OGM

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

In an October 2015 briefing ahead of a DG SANTE Cabinet meeting with the US Mission to the European Union, it was stated that ‘it came to [the US Mission’s] attention that […] the legal interpretation would classify (the ODM gene-editing technique) as a GM technique and the opinion will begin the inter-service clearance process soon’(1).

— Did the Commission indicate in any way to the US embassy that the legal opinion would classify the ODM technique as a GM technique? — Will it provide all documents related to this information exchange, and if so, when, and if not, why not?



The Commission refers the Honourable Member to its reply to Written Question E-004771/2016(1).

The Commission did not provide to the US authorities any indication or document about how the oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis technique should be classified under the Union legislation on Genetically Modified Organisms.



La réponse à la question citée en référence, sur le même sujet, est la suivante :

« In all its work, the Commission is paying due attention to any relevant input provided by Member States, advisory bodies or stakeholders, including third countries

With regard to the specific case referred to by the Honourable Member, the Commission has informed the US mission about the process of the ongoing work.

The Commission considers it inappropriate to disclose to any third party sensitive information related to its internal decision-making process before the Commission’s position has been decided. »