Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Lien vers la page de la réunion, les résultats du conseil ne sont disponibles qu’en Anglais pour le moment :
Extraits choisis, la proposition de règlement « Production biologique et étiquetage des produits biologiques »:
« Organic production
The Presidency informed the Council on the state of play of the proposed regulation on organic production, with regard to the negotiations with the European Parliament.
In particular the Presidency reported on those issues tackled in the last three trilogues and several technical meetings, including on: the structure of the regulation, the substance of production rules, the database on livestock and seeds. The Presidency also reiterated its commitment to make any possible effort to reach an agreement by the end of 2016.
The proposal on organic production and labelling of organic products is aimed at revising the existing legislation on organic production and labelling of organic products so as to remove obstacles to the sustainable development of organic production in the EU. Its objectives are also to guarantee fair competition for farmers and operators, prevent fraud and unfair practices and improve consumer confidence in organic products.
The Council reached a general approach on the organic regulation on 16 June 2015 and the EP
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) voted on its report on 13 October
2015. Negotiations started in November 2015 and so far twelve trilogues have taken place. »