Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Texte de la question :
« The Commission has proposed to extend plant breeders’ intellectual property protection for certain varieties from 25 to 30 years [1].
In the proposal, the Commission states that " this proposal of an additional period of protection of five years would help to achieve sufficient return of investments made and encourage the breeding of new improved varieties for the benefit of growers, consumers and the society at large. »
1. Does the Commission have at its disposal an analysis showing that this measure will have a positive impact on the consumer ?
2. Is such an analysis publicly available ?
[1] COM (2021) 36 final. »
Réponse de Ms Kyriakides au nom de la Commission européenne du 16 novembre 2021 :
« 1. The Commission, together with the community plant variety office, carried out an analysis. The findings reveal the technical difficulties in breeding for the species concerned, requiring expenditure of research activities for a long period, the length of the multiplication of propagating material, the time needed for new varieties to reveal commercial value and the late stage for return for investments in research activities, in comparison with other horticultural or agricultural crops. The analysis concludes that, for the species of asparagus and for the species groups flower bulbs, woody small fruits and woody ornamentals, the duration of protection should be extended by five years in order to establish a legal environment conducive to achieving an equitable refunding of research and breeding.
It is expected that this would lead to further breeding activities for the species concerned, which in turn would result in an increase of the number of new plant varieties with improved characteristics available for the consumer.
2. The technical analysis is not publicly available, but could be provided upon request. »
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NOTA : L’allongement de la durée de protection pour les asperges, les groupes d’espèces de bulbes à fleurs, les plantes ligneuses à petits fruits et les plantes ligneuses ornementales a été actée par l’adoption du règlement 2021/1873 du 20 octobre 2021 (voir fiche-veille n°3517)