Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Texte de la question :
« 1. How many questions did the Commission receive from journalists in 2019?
2. How many answers have to be reviewed by the Transparency Committee? Of these, how many are given a ruling in favour of the questioner? How many are answered by the deadline set?
3. If, on the basis of the questions, the Member States concerned are consulted, in what percentage of cases – broken down by Member State – does each Member State respond to the EU consultation in a timely manner? »
Réponse de Mr le Vice-President Jourová au nom de la Commission européenne du 27/11/2020 :
« The Commission receives questions from journalists through numerous channels, including over the phone, in face-to-face meetings, during the daily midday press briefings, press conferences, technical and background briefings and interviews. Questions are addressed to Commissioners, spokespersons, heads of representations and the communication units. Hence, thousands of questions are answered every year, but the Commission does not keep a tally, as this is impossible.The Commission remains by far the EU institution handling the largest number of requests for access to documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/20011. In 2019, the requested documents were fully or partially disclosed in almost 78% of the 7445 cases at the initial stage, and wider or even full access was granted in 53.4% of the 296 cases reviewed at the confirmatory stage. In 2019, 8.1% of the initial applications and 11.1% of the confirmatory applications originated from journalists2.Confirmatory requests are dealt with by the Secretariat-General of the Commission to ensure an independent administrative review of the reply given at the initial stage.As regards the second question, if a reference is made to the Council’s Working Party on Information, the Commission does not hold any information and/or data concerning the activities of that Working Party, which is a preparatory body of the Council. If the application for access concerns a document originating from a Member State, the Commission consults the authorities of the Member State concerned under the provision of Article 4(4) and 4(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. However, the Commission does not collect any data as regards the time needed forthe Member States to respond to the consultation. »
(1) Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
(2) For more information and statistics, please see the 2019 Annual Report on Access to Documents of the European Commission published on Europa website:
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