Niveau juridique : Union européenne
Les services du parlement européen font un point régulier sur le fonctionnement des agences européennes, on s’intéressera en particulier à l’Office communautaire des variétés végétales ( ou CPVO, acronyme anglais utilisé dans l’étude en question).
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page 60 : " In the case of Cedefop and Eurofound, the appointment is made by the Commission without any involvement of the European Parliament. However, both founding regulations were adopted in 1975 and have last been amended before the Common Approach, which appears to explain the deviation. A similar explanation is also likely in the case of CPVO. The director of this agency is appointed by the Council, again with no role for the EP to play.« --> A retenir, le parlement européen n’a pas de place dans la procédure de nomination du directeur de l’Office communautaire des variétés végétales. Seul le conseil européen est impliqué.
page 63 : " Finally, there are two categories of agencies, in whose work programmes the European Parliament does not play any role at all. In some cases, it is simply not mentioned that the work programmes shall be submitted to the Parliament. In the case of the CPVO and Eurojust, the requirement to lay down a work programme is not mentioned in the founding regulations at all. However, it should be noted that the mandates of these agencies were largely adopted before the Common Approach.The only exception in this regard is the EPPO« --> A retenir, le parlement européen n’est pas impliqué dans le programme de travail de l’Office communautaire des variétés végétales.
page 67 : " The only notable exceptions are the two fully self-financed agencies EUIPO and CPVO. » --> l’Office communautaire des variétés végétales s’auto-finance.