Niveau juridique : International
extrait choisi du compte-rendu de cette session tenue le 17-03-2016 après-midi :
Sur la base des recommandations du comité consultatif tenu le 17-03 matin, le conseil :
« (c) approved the organization of a “Symposium on possible interrelations between the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) and the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV Convention)”, to be held at UPOV Headquarters in Geneva, on October 26, 2016, as set out in document C(Extr.)/33/3, paragraphs 28 and 29; and
(d) approved the draft program for the “Seminar on Propagating and Harvested Material in the context of the UPOV Convention,” to be held in Geneva on October 24, 2016, as set out in document C(Extr.)/33/3, paragraphs 30 to 32, and its Annex. »
Lien vers le document, voir le compte-rendu des décisions (le document devrait être disponible en français par la suite) :
Le document C(Extr.)/33/3 auquel il est fait référence ci-dessous concernant le notamment le « symposium sur les possibles interrelations entre le TIRPAA et l’UPOV » validé le 26-10-2016 dans les quartiers généraux de l’UPOV, n’est pas disponible sur la page de la réunion.
Des informations ont cependant été transmises par APREBES, observateur lors de la réunion du 17-03
* sur la session dans son ensemble
* sur la tenue du symposium du 26-10 en particulier :
extrait du Communiqué de Presse de l’UPOV du 17-03-2016, repris dans le compte-rendu complet de la 33eme session.
« Interrelations with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and agriculture (ITPGRFA)The Council welcomed the decision by the Governing Body of the ITPGRFA, at its fifth session, to request the Secretary of the ITPGRFA to invite UPOV and the ITPGRFA to jointly identify possible areas of interrelations between the ITPGRFA and the UPOV Convention. It further welcomed the presentation by the Secretary of the ITPGRFA on that subject at the ninety-first session of the Consultative Committee, held in Geneva on March 17, 2016. The Council agreed to propose a joint UPOV-ITPGRFA Symposium on areas of interrelations between the ITPGRFA and the UPOV Convention, to be held in Geneva on October 26, 2016, with a recommendation that the Symposium be open to the public. »