[REPONSE] Parlement européen, Question écrite E-004868/2020 avec demande de réponse écrite à la Commission de Gianantonio Da Re du 7 septembre 2020 - Variétés de fruits et légumes menacées d’extinction et perte de biodiversité dans le secteur agricole (Réponse rendue le 22 octobre 2020)

Niveau juridique : Union européenne

Texte de la question :

« Biodiversity loss in Europe is a matter for concern for the whole farming sector and is jeopardising the food, cultural and environmental heritage of a number of EU Member States. Agricultural biodiversity provides the goods and produce of many Member States, and Italian goods and produce in particular, with added value. Safeguarding this in order to protect small farmers is an EU priority. However, the current Farm to Fork Strategy could prove less than effective if not accompanied by financial support and incentives aimed at small farmers.

This being so:

1. How, specifically, does the Commission plan to establish the biodiversity strategy to create environmentally sound, efficient and competitive supply chains?

2. Will it provide arable and livestock farmers with technical and financial support in order to protect varieties at risk of extinction? »

Réponse donnée par Mr. Wojciechowski au nom de la Commission européenne le 22 octobre 2020 :

Promoting sustainable and competitive food supply chains is at the heart of the Biodiversity and the Farm to Fork Strategies. In order to support this green transformation of the food system, the Commission intends to promote an overall approach to make use of all available policies, instruments and funding sources to ensure a fair transition.The decline of agricultural genetic diversity must be reversed, including by facilitating the use of traditional varieties of crops and breeds. As announced in the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the Commission is considering the revision of marketing rules for traditional crop varieties in order to contribute to their conservation and sustainable use. The Commission will also take measures to facilitate the registration of seed varieties, including for organic farming, and to ensure easier market access for traditional and locally adapted varieties. In addition, the new Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020 will offer Member States new opportunities, such as the « eco-schemes » under Pillar I (European Agricultural Guarantee Fund), in addition to the agri-environment-climate interventions under Pillar II (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development), for supporting farmers for the conservation of agricultural genetic resources at risk of extinction and enhance their valorisation through high-quality agricultural products. A significant support may also come from interventions encouraging innovation, knowledge transfer, cooperation, and reinforced farm advisory services.

Lien vers la page de la question disponible ici.