(inventaire des variétés anciennes de légumes en Angleterre et Pays de Galles
S. Kell, N. Maxted, C. Allender, D. Astley, B. FordâLloyd and contributors,
While lawyers and some scientists jump through hoops in their efforts to define — or at least describe — what they mean by “landrace” the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in Britain has quietly published the results of a project entitled “Vegetable landrace inventory of England and Wales”. It explains clearly the importance of landraces and why they are under threat. It outlines the sources of information, from commercial seed companies that still maintain varieties on the UK Vegetable ‘B’ List (which is also explained) through to NGOs, smaller seed companies, and individual farmers. It offers a snapshot of the landraces that have been preserved, and even valiantly attempts to answer the question “What is a landrace?”
À télécharger
synthese_etudelandracesanglet.pdf (710 Kio)
synthese_etudelandracesanglet1.pdf (710 Kio)
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